Deaf-mute student hit by teacher?

ARE you a girl or a boy?

(Sungai Petani May 2006)

That was what a male school teacher allegedly asked a female student at a special school for the deaf-mute in Sungai Petani.The student's mother claimed that the teacher, a discipline master, then demanded that she remove her clothes so he could confirm her gender.

At a press conference yesterday, Madam Liu Shan Li, 44, claimed this was what her daughter Su Su Xin and another classmate went through last Wednesday. Sin Chew Daily reported that the girls objected violently, and so did not have to comply, Madam Liu claimed. But, she said, her daughter was physically abused by the teacher and sustained a large bruise on her left arm.

The paper added that four of Su Xin's classmates have volunteered to give eye-witness accounts and have given their statements to the police. Madam Liu claimed that the abuse took place at the school dormitory, where Su Xin has been staying for the last month.

Madam Liu has sought help from opposition party Parti Keadilan Nasional. The party has threatened to make a formal complaint against the school if it does not provide the family with a satisfactory explanation within two weeks.

Lawyer Cheah Kah Peng, who is also the party's supreme council member, told Sin Chew Daily that the school has abused its powers. Mr Cheah said to make things worse, these students are deaf-mute and so would find it more difficult to make a complaint.

The school said the girl was a problem student and had previously been expelled from school in Penang. The school also said the girl was mischievous and had physically hurt her teacher before. But Madam Liu said Su Xin was not expelled from her previous school.


聾啞女生起訴政府、校長、老師及女舍監,指遭他們掌摑及非禮。 該名聾啞女生蘇淑欣(17歲),起訴的5名人士分別是男教師慕斯尼、女教師再諾、女舍監西蒂阿賽,雙溪拉也中學校長以及大馬政府,要求賠償名譽損失及特別賠償。 她是在母親劉善莉(45歲)、好友莎比蒂及嘉迪律師陪伴下出庭,惟法官缺席,主簿官嘉尼森諭示案展7月11日開審。



當時,受害者的母親劉善莉不滿校方的態度及沒正視其投報,憤而向人民公正黨求助;而該黨法律顧問謝嘉平律師,于同年3月5日召開新聞發佈會,揭發相關單位對受害者所作出的種種不公平對待。 劉善莉在法庭受詢時表示,她早在去年5月5日就把將起訴文件呈交法庭,可是法庭遲至今天才處理,令她感到不滿。

此外,提到女兒目前的狀況時,她說,由于女兒迄今還對以上的不幸事件存有陰影,事發后至今都沒有回校上課,害怕遭受對付。 她透露,女兒目前在她的室內設計公司工作,不過,這非長久之計,她有意把女兒送到檳城丹絨武雅特殊學校繼續學業。

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